Media Training for business
The media can be a valuable channel to reach a large audience quickly and persuasively. With the right skills, you can use these opportunities to enhance or protect your reputation.
A Media Spokesperson who doesn’t know how to deliver its message to fit the media-imposed frame won’t be heard.
In response to this need for skillful media communication, Reputation Australia has developed a course on Media Training for Business called, ‘the Mastering Media workshop’. It is an interactive seminar designed to give participants knowledge and practice in how to identify valuable media opportunities for their organisation. Media Training for Business creates confident and capable spokespeople who can successfully communicate the strategies and messages of an organisation to a specific target audience or the public at large.
Media Training for Business can be delivered either in-person or online or a combination of both. People in business are very time-poor. So our programs are designed to be delivered in as short a time as possible and as efficiently as possible. Our Two-Stage Approach is proving very popular with our clients. It’s the product of 30 years of experience and practice by seasoned professionals in the field.
Our Two-Stage Approach
Our time-sensitive approach addresses the working reality of today’s workforce. We deliver the skills-set program either in person – or online – in 2 to 3 hours, no matter how many participants are present. In smaller groups, we can ensure that all participants get in some practice on the day.
The Workshop (in-person or online)
- Participants discover the theory of Applied Messaging, that is, the mechanisms that constitute a powerful and persuasive message.
- They learn how to encapsulate that message into short, sharp media ‘sound-bites’ or ‘grabs’.
- And they explore how to conduct themselves in an interview to get the best possible outcome.
- Press, radio, TV and social media interviews are clearly explained.
Follow-Up Private Coaching
The vast bulk of media interviews occur by phone with TV being the exception. So the next phase involves private coaching for participants over-the-phone for up to 30 minutes.
- They will have ample time to prepare, as they would for a real interview. They use a recent news release, news story or an anticipated news event.
- They can talk freely with their media coach about their own personal issues relating to being a media spokesperson without colleagues listening in.
- They record two practice interviews back-to-back, discovering where they can make improvements along the way. Their coach can give them personalised feedback and advice in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere.
- These recorded interviews are emailed to the participant for reference.
Media Training Learning Outcomes
Participants develop their own personal style and discover how to work to their strengths. The fast-paced, interactive workshop covers a broad spectrum of media communication skills and in particular:
- How to identify the most relevant and meaningful theme for a core message
- How to deliver powerful messages to achieve cut-through
- Handling difficult issues and turning them into opportunities
- Delivering a message in a way that the media can use
- Staying calm under pressure
- Lots of practice on-camera and over-the-phone
- Group sessions and private, individual coaching are provided
Programs are conducted at your premises anywhere in Australia or even online, making it easier for participants to attend.
Any number of participants can be included and sessions can be conducted in as little as two or three hours.
Reputation conducts training programs across Australia or ANYWHERE at all – online
The media today has revolutionised the way people find out about what is happening in the world. There is however one serious side-effect. In the 21st century, more than ever before, we must manage misinformation. While we engage the media, we have some influence over the coverage of a news item. But vast increases in the volume and speed of information flow, particularly online, have altered the way media operates. There are fewer checks and balances, which makes life difficult for a spokesperson who is not confident and credible.
Media interviews are a clever way to connect with important stakeholders and capture the interests of important audiences. Whether it is to communicate a view about important issues, explain a decision or strategy or present a new product or service, an organisation benefits from having skillful media spokespeople.
Hundreds of organisations are opting for the media training including all levels of Government, academics and science, business and finance, health and pharmaceuticals, technology and heavy industry.
Media training for business is designed flexibly so that specific programs can be delivered for organisational leaders such as CEOs, specialists within the organisation such as engineers and scientists or indeed anyone who is expected to represent the organisation in the media.
This Media Training for Business workshop has been developed by journalists, PR professionals and academics to deliver a time-efficient method to develop the communication skills of media spokespersons.
To find out how a Mastering Media workshop can add value to your reputation, please contact us.